About Huaxin

13.56M NFC IC


HS0840 is a 13.56MHz RFID system Non-contact read and write device chip,support ISO 14443 Type A/B Standard protocol.

Product overview

HS0840 is a 13.56MHz RFID system Non-contact read and write device chip,support ISO 14443 Type A/B Standard protocol.

Product details

◆Supports ISO14443 TYPE A/B protocol, data speed rate 106kbps to 848kbps

◆Integrates bidirectional encryption authentication
◆minimize external components, effective communication distance 10cm (depends on antenna design)

◆Integrated codec transceiver module and anti-conllision function

◆Data frame format and CRC

◆Integrates 64 byte FIFO data cache

◆flexible interrupt mode

◆Supports 13.56MHz or 27.12MHz external crystal

◆Internal 13.56MHz RC oscillator, 8bits field intensity ADC. Card checking with low power consumption

◆Operating voltage:2.5V~4V

◆Standard SPI interface

◆4mm×4mm package 24 pinQFN