An extremely important part of creating and running a business is marketing, but that's nothing new. There's no point in creating the perfect product if people don't know why it's perfect, much less if they don't even know that it even exists. And it is to do this type of dissemination that marketing departments were created and are growing more and more… But it's also very simple to delegate this to the marketing team and get on with your life. Is it their job to do this? Yes, it is, but being responsible for making the company's strategic decisions, researching trends and facilitating communication with different sectors of the company, this is also why the marketing area was created. In the case of digital marketing, it is interesting to know about its basis, which is used in all campaigns after it is produced: visual identity. The visual identity is the set of all the company's visual characteristics, being used to define the structure of all disclosures of the company and its products made in visual media, such as images and videos.
It is made up of several parts, the most important of which are. Color palette The color palette is the set of colors used to represent your company and brand. It can consist of just two colors, as in the case Phone Number List of Spotify (green and white) and Nubank (purple and white), or of multiple colors, as in the case of Google (blue, red, yellow and green). These colors will appear in the company logo, in images, such as the Facebook cover photo, and perhaps in advertisements and videos (in different quantities, varying from company to company: Spotify doesn't tend to use it as much, but Nubank uses its colors whenever possible). It is important to try to use colors and color combinations that are not already attributed to other brands, as a way of strengthening your own brand: people will associate these colors and color combinations with your company, and not with any other.
Logo The logo, on the other hand, is much easier to be unique: it cannot even be similar to those of other companies, as they can be registered. He is most likely to be associated with the company, precisely because he is unique. As it will represent your company, it is very important that it is done by professionals from the beginning and that it follows current trends. After all, you don't want your company or product to look old-fashioned, right? The logo can also have its variations: shorter, longer version, in shades of gray, black and white, alternative colors, etc. To be used in different situations. If you have different products, each one will also have to have a logo, perhaps even its own visual identities. Visual Identity Manual Finally, all the characteristics of the visual identity are placed within the visual identity manual. This manual explains in detail how to use visual identity to promote your company and products, whether through images or videos, following not only the color palette and the use of the appropriate logo.